Thursday, July 17, 2014

Statute, local polls UML’s top priorities

The newly-elected leadership of the CPN-UML has announced that it has prioritised three major tasks—timely promulgation of new constitution, holding local polls and making UML the largest party in the upcoming elections—as its future course.
The party’s resolution issued after the ninth General Convention has stated that the promulgation of a federal democratic constitution by January 22 next year is the party’s foremost priority. Expressing its commitment to promulgate new constitution within a year, the second largest party in the Constituent Assembly (CA) also urged all other parties, including the Mohan Baidya-led CPN-Maoist, which are not elected to the CA to help complete the task of constitution writing.“
“The convention reiterates commitment to promulgate new constitution within a year after the commencement of the CA,” reads the 33-point resolution endorsed by the convention. The resolution has drawn attention of other parties and asked them to remind their commitments expressed before the CA election for constitution, especially the responsibility of constitution writing.
The resolution also urges all political forces staying outside the CA to engage in dialogues with parties involved in constitution writing process and to help make the statute writing process a success.
Additionally, taking the formation of the Federal Republic Alliance by the UCPN (Maoist) and other like-minded partics “for identity-based federalism” in a serious note, the UML has requested them not to deviate from the responsibility of delivering the new constitution.
“The convention is concerned over the political alliance but we hope it will not weaken the mandate of delivering new constitution and further polarise the politics,” reads the resolution.
On the issue federalism in new constitution, the party has reiterated its position to federate the country on the basis of multiple identities.
The party’s new leadership headed by KP Sharma Oli has also reiterated its commitment for new constitution. “My foremost priority is to promulgate the new constitution, hold local elections and ensure economic prosperity of the nation,” said Oli, speaking at the closing ceremony held at the party headquarters.
Party’s resolution states that owing to the absence of elected representatives in local bodies, people are deprived of participating in local democratic practices, the service delivery system has been affected and the state resources have largely been misused.
The party’s convention scheduled to be completed on July 9 was prolonged for eight more days due to debates and controversies surrounding election process and leadership row.
Parliamentary Party Leader Oli and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal along with their respective panels had contested in the convention for the key posts of the party leadership.
During the closing ceremony on Thursday, Nepal and immediate past Chairman Jhala Nath Khanal congratulated Oli for his victory and asked him to unite the party mending differences that emerged during the election and achieve the aforementioned goals.
Nepal, who was narrowly edged out in the election, said he will always stand with Oli to accomplish the mandate of the convention and make UML the largest party in the next election.
“I will fully support Oli-led team but it is up to him how he drives the party and accommodates leaders defeated in the convention,” he said.
Stating that the decision to contest the election with separate panels was a mistake, Nepal expressed his hope that the new leadership would not suffer from groupism in the days ahead.

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